What is Stick Mobility

Stick Mobility is a training system that improves your mobility, stability, and strength. The system combines joint mobilization, strength training, and deep fascial stretching to increase athletic performance, reduce risk of injury, and accelerate recovery. The Mobilty stick is a flexible tool used to provide leverage to access expanded ranges of motion and create tension that builds neuromuscular function and full body strength.


Stick Mobility Drills


Shoulder Mobility



Prone Shoulder Drills

Prone Shoulder Dislocates

feedback & support from the floor



Stretches quads, hip flexors, anterior core, rib cage, neck flexors. Strengthens gluten and back


Stick Mobility

Stick Mobility is a system that enables increased range of movement and enhances neuromuscular awareness. It is a system developed using a stick as a tool to help us increase our functional range of movement, full body strength, posture, staility, and body awareness. The stick will give you leverage to access ranges of motion you normally could not reach and will enable you to easily apply tension to strengthen different ranges and movements. The benefits of Stick Mobility transfer to everyday life as well as performance training. The Stick Mobility system has multidimensional applications with your training protocol. You will find that you can utilize stick mobility segmentally or consistently as a stand alone training program. It is a system that complements any training system that you chose to do.

On-on-One training all levels 


Lateral Line

Half-kneeling Bow & Arrow drill with @Travissample_ SamplefitnessLLC.com


Fire up the core!!!

Dead Bug


Stick Mobility certification in the books!!

August, 2019, what an amazing weekend!