Healthy Living Made Easier

I’m ready to have more energy & and maintain a healthy life. Please send me some information on the shred10 program!


Health & Wellness


The next best thing to fruits and vegetables Busy lifestyle and the abundance of fast food lead many to ask, “ How can I get more fruits and veggies in my diet?” JP adds the nutrition of 17 fruits, veggies and grains to your diet


Learn about this plant-based, vegan, and low glycemic Complete protein powder. The complete shake mid comes with 13 grams of plant based protein and 8 grams of fiber


Tower Garden is an aeroponic growing system that grows fruits, veggies and herbs indoors and outdoors for all your growing


Omega 3 5 6 7 9 Oh My!

A plant-based omega blend to support your vision, brain and heart. Our omega blend capsules are sourced from plants and algae which makes them a better alternative to fish oil capsules.


Participate in our Family Health Study and receive Free Juice Plus+ chewables or capsules for your child


The research has showcased the benefits of adding Juice Plus+ To your diet. More than 30 Juice Plus+ research studies have been conducted in leading hospitals and universities around the world


A healthier lifestyle doesn’t have to be a chore. Instead of attempting to conquer your health goals all at once, what if you started by setting smaller, more manageable goals? Making simple changes along the way can lead to great health benefits down the road.


The shed 10 program is an effective, fun and doable jumpstart to better health. For 10 days you will shred the food and habits that are not serving you and will focus on clean living and flooding your body with whole food nutrition. It is the beginning of a 4-month period of education and healthy changes that will revolutionize your life


Welcome to the Healthy Living Revolution!

The Healthy Living Revolution is a movement of individuals who are inspiring themselves and others to take their health back. We offer simple solutions and resources to take the first step and beyond. Resources include: Recipes cookbooks, trending health videos, home fitness series, charity miles and freedom revolution. Start Strong offers: Kids challenges, Start strong YouTube channel, and family health Study. One Simple Change offers: Juice Plus+, Omega Blend, Complete and Tower Garden. Shred10 offers: Daily Detox with Shed10

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Love your Gut!!

For more information please visit

Omega: A Fishy Topic


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